Sunday, July 4, 2010

Mapping out the future

Lately I've been putting a great deal of thought into what I want to do after I finish my nursing program here at my college. I'll be graduating in December of 2011 and will be an RN. I'm leaning towards simply transferring from San Juan to UNM in Albuquerque and finishing my bachelors degree in nursing with them. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to transfer to UW in Seattle and finish my BSN there, but then I'd be paying out of state tuition, which means I'd have to start making and selling meth in my garage to pay for it.
I suppose that is a bad idea, because the people I would be selling drugs to would eventually be the people I will have to treat in the hospital so...scratch that idea. I'll just sell a kidney and a lung. You only need one of each to survive, right? On that note, we actually have a place here in Farmington where you can sell your blood plasma. I don't know what they do with it, but I have had several friends who made a regular business of selling their plasma to get party money. Easy money for sure...maybe that's the answer to my how-to-finance-school problem.
A more realistic (though less dramatic) solution is to let Uncle Sam pay for it by way of the United States Navy. Yep, I would do it. How weird is this though? I CALLED THE NAVY...they didn't come after me or anything, and I EMAILED THE NAVY, gave them a full description of my education, how long I have left, reasons for interest, etc. You wouldn't guess it from my writing style on here, but I am capable of near-perfect grammar and structure when needed. Which by the way, is something their website is severely lacking in. It goes something like this (I am not making this up):dss"Your wildest dreams. Anywhere you want to go. Become more. Action. Part of a team." I was really ticked off and annoyed by the time I got through one paragraph because of the horrible grammatical errors it contained.
Back to what I was after I contacted them twice, they finally condescended to send me a letter, which was written with the same flair as their website ("Fast jets. Guns. Pow."), and a DVD loaded with film clips of jets with afterburners, He-Men with their faces painted, and groups of lemmings marching in step. And I'll stop right here to say I LOVE AND RESPECT OUR MILITARY with all of my heart. My family is a military family and I would be honored to serve. I just want a little more information to go on than the above mentioned items. Like, I'm not gonna fly a jet, I don't plan on painting my face (can you imagine the response that would get you while working in a hospital?), and marching in circles was fun when I was a 13 year old Civil Air Patrol cadet at summer encampment. I can think of a thousand other things I'd rather do than spend hours proving I can walk the exact same way as a hundred other people.
So basically, so far it seems that their recruiting efforts are focused on 17 year old kids that are impressed by uniforms and guns. Anyway, I'm still leaving the door open should they reconsider and decide to send me a semi-intelligent letter or, Heaven forbid, actually call me.
My ultimate goal, as most people have heard me blab about a ton already, is to enter the mission field. I need experience before I go, which is a huge factor in why I am interested in the Navy (motto: "Do Stuff"). I've been researching humanitarian aid groups like Doctors Without Borders and would love to work with them. I guess for now, the tentative plan is to sign a contract now with San Juan Regional, let them pay for my RN schooling, work for them for two years after graduation, during those two years be taking classes with UNM online, get my BSN, have two years of nursing experience under my belt at that time, then go on my journey to put band aids on the world (yea, they'll be the band aids that have Kermit the Frog's face all over them).

1 comment:

  1. Ok I am floored that they haven't been on you like white on rice. A Navy recruiter came to my HS one day and I got calls for MONTHS and I never told him I was interested! But I was 17 so you might have something there. I read about your potential plans and am so proud to be your friend. You are meant to leave big footprints in this world. But as your selfish best friend I will always secretly hope you'll get your RN, take a predictable job at Los Robles and be our go to person for kermit the frog bandaids.
